"The DWI Solution Company"
Customized Technology-Driven Solutions For Courts, Agencies and Partners
SCRAM Systems solutions
Fax DPS, Probation, Pretrial, DMV Hearing Notices, and Court Orders to (866) 929-1016 (24-hours)

SYSTEMS Solutions
SCRAM Nexus® integrates evidence-based practices into day-to-day decision-making, guiding community corrections’ officers through daily workflows. Applying behavioral science to department policies, SCRAM Nexus brings comprehensive supervision planning and tracking, advanced reporting, and rich visual analytics to community-based corrections.

SCRAM 24/7™ brings together all of your program’s clients and testing methods into one, easy-to-use platform. With the ability to record and compile a variety of electronic monitoring, urinalysis, twice daily breath testing, and more, officers can seamlessly track supervision clients across all testing methods.

SCRAM Optix™ creates an integrated, dynamic user experience that allows officers to manage their entire electronic monitoring caseload with a single login. Access and search for clients across all SCRAM Systems technologies, work alerts, and run advanced program analytics, right from the dashboard.

- Real-time notification of client proximity violation
- Panic button calls 911 or custom emergency number
- Easy installation on a smartphone
- Intuitive app navigation
Tomorrow's Technology Today...Better Because Better Matters
The Most Comprehensive Offender Monitoring System All In One Platform
Since 2003, SCRAM Systems has offered technologies that truly Make a Difference for clients and communities. Led by the success of our flagship SCRAM CAM product, SCRAM Systems delivers innovative software and technology solutions that are on the forefront of what courts, agencies, and treatment providers need.
Continuous Alcohol Monitoring
SCRAM CAM Provides Accountability and Encourages Compliance
Like a breathalyzer for the ankle, the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) bracelet provides 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing for hardcore drunk drivers, high-risk alcohol and domestic violence offenders. By automatically sampling the wearer's perspiration every 30 minutes, the SCRAM CAM bracelet eliminates testing gaps and encourages accountability. SCRAM CAM not only supports sobriety but also results in higher compliance rates with court orders and increases community safety.
Continuous alcohol monitoring is proven to support long-term behavior change and complements treatment for alcohol dependence or addiction. In fact, SCRAM CAM helps more people achieve more Sober Days—a 24-hour period in which a monitored client has no confirmed consumption of alcohol and no confirmed attempt to tamper or circumvent testing.
Ready to see SCRAM CAM in action? Schedule a demo today!
Call 800-464-5917.
Ankle Monitor Bracelet
A Better GPS Monitoring Device
SCRAM GPS combines superior location accuracy, an industry-leading strap design, long battery life, and user-friendly software tools that help officers quickly identify and address issues in their caseload. For high-risk offenders requiring around-the-clock location monitoring, SCRAM GPS offers revolutionary tamper technology that virtually eliminates false alerts and provides nearly instant notifications, so officers can act quickly.
SCRAM GPS provides superior location monitoring for sex and violent offenders and domestic violence caseloads. Additionally, GPS location monitoring is an effective alternative to incarceration for community corrections, helping officers more effectively supervise clients while enhancing community safety.
Ready to see SCRAM GPS in action? Schedule a demo today!
Call 800-464-5917.
SCRAM Remote Breath®
Breath Alcohol Testing
The Most Flexible Breath Alcohol Testing Option
SCRAM Remote Breath provides handheld, portable breath alcohol monitoring with options for scheduled, random, on-demand, and client-initiated testing for low-risk offenders or those who have earned less intensive testing and monitoring. Government-grade facial verification software decreases manual photo review by up to 95%, allowing officers more time to spend on their caseloads and clients.
Built for community corrections, SCRAM Remote Breath can improve client outcomes in drunk and impaired driving, domestic and family, and alcohol and opioid caseloads. Remote breath testing is also an effective alcohol monitoring solution that can be integrated into prison and jail overcrowding and bail and sentencing reform programs to further increase community safety.
Ready to see SCRAM Remote Breath in action? Schedule a demo today!
Call 800-464-5917.
SCRAM House Arrest®
House Arrest Ankle Bracelet
House Arrest Built for Today's Homes
SCRAM House Arrest is the industry's most flexible RF home curfew system for low-risk offenders with reliable tamper technology. Optimized to work with today's home communications, the House Arrest system can transmit data through traditional landline, cellular, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi and fully integrates with all of SCRAM Systems technologies on the SCRAM Optix software platform.
SCRAM House Arrest is an effective home curfew monitoring solution for community corrections and domestic and family caseloads. With variable range and leave window settings and scheduled proximity verifications, SCRAM House Arrest can help with bail and sentencing reform and prison and jail overcrowding issues by providing required supervision while allowing clients to remain accountable for their actions.
Ready to see SCRAM House Arrest in action? Schedule a demo today!
Call 800-464-5917.
Options in Connectivity
Wireless Base Station Connectivity for Every Home
The landscape of home communications is changing. That's why SCRAM Systems covers the full range of connectivity options in our wireless base station for SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring and SCRAM House Arrest.
The base station communicates with SCRAM CAM and House Arrest bracelets to send testing and reporting data to SCRAMNET and to send updates to the bracelets.
Most base stations on the market today were designed over a decade ago and struggle to connect in modern homes. But SCRAM Systems offers the most comprehensive base station connectivity options in the corrections industry. Whether your alcohol or house arrest clients use cellular, home internet, or a landline, your program is covered.
- Ethernet
- Wi-Fi
- Cellular
- Landline
Simple Video Conferencing Integration with SCRAM TouchPoint™
As community supervision becomes modernized to fit today's digital climate, technology is becoming increasingly important to support departments and clients alike. More probation and parole departments are relying on software and mobile apps to not only streamline client supervision but to also overcome challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic.
SCRAM TouchPoint™ now has a way to integrate video chat functionality to help community corrections departments communicate with clients face-to-face, safely and effectively.
Video Chat with Clients Using Any Platform
As the 2020 pandemic forced community corrections departments to begin using video and web conferencing software, many developed a preferred platform. Officers frequently use video conferencing technology to connect with clients for virtual office visits, quick check-ins, or as a follow-up to any remote client activity an officer may have concerns about.
TouchPoint can be used with any platform—including GoToMeeting™, Microsoft® Teams, Zoom, and more—so departments can continue using their web conferencing software of choice. Depending on the platform's capabilities, officers can perform scheduled or on-demand video meetings to increase efficiency and minimize face-to-face contact.
Virtual Visits: The New Normal

Using the TouchPoint secure messaging or Text-to-All feature, officers can schedule secure, two-way video meetings with one or multiple clients via their preferred platform and simply send the meeting link to the client. The client can tap the link to join the meeting on the video conferencing app directly, creating a seamless experience. Officers can also use this to confirm a client's location by having them show street signs or nearby landmarks.
Additionally, officers can record the meeting via the video chat platform and share it with the client using TouchPoint's messaging functionality or the document management feature for meeting transcripts. This helps clients stay on track with their supervision requirements and can also act as an audit trail to ensure officers and clients have a record of video conferencing activities. Clients can also set up meetings with officers the same way—by scheduling a meeting on their preferred video chat platform and sending a link to the officer, creating an open line of communication.
With corrections departments turning to new and modern solutions to supervise their clients, it is becoming more common to rely on technology to get the job done effectively. Mobile video chats are beginning to supplement or even replace in-person contact, a trend that flourished during the pandemic but anticipated to continue well into the future.

SCRAM CAM is the Hardcore Solution for High-Risk Drunk Drivers
An Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. Preferred Partner Providing Premium Government Services with GPS, RF, and Department of Public Safety Approved Alcohol Electronic Monitoring Equipment
We provide SCRAM CAM® continuous alcohol monitoring to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, North Carolina‘s largest county, the Department of Motor Vehicles, Sheriffs, halfway houses, re-entry programs, private monitoring providers, and service partners.
Through CAM GPS Tracking of People and other affiliates, we offer judicial services nationwide and abroad.
Offering the world’s most widely used and trusted 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing system, our name says it all.
More than 99.% of our clients are completely sober and compliant every day.
A Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Company (CAM LLC®) provides state-of-the-art Global Positioning System SCRAM GPS®, and SCRAM CAM® continuous alcohol electronic monitoring equipment. Our offender monitoring equipment is designed to help defendants, traffic and family courts, defense attorneys, veterans, bail agents, corrections agencies, pretrial agencies, governments, and alcohol treatment professionals to continuously monitor sobriety and compliance. One of CAM's managing partners was the FIRST to promote a secure bond married to an anklet. The managing partner founded a successful international service provider in 2004. CAM's managing partners are experienced in operating 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 nonprofit programs and have Pretrial affiliations back to 1971. One of CAM’s managing partners was involved in amending N.C.G.S. § 15A-101.1. The law requires offender monitoring equipment to be held to a higher standard and mandates school no-go zones for registered sex offenders.
CAM LLC offers a FREE on-site assessment process that can determine the appropriate device best suited for any situation.
CAM LLC provides assistance to agencies looking into startups and who are considering pilot programs.
CAM LLC offers a comprehensive full-service case management program that incorporates proven GPS technology, which is N.C.S.L. 2011-245 compliant. The innovative technology utilizing active GPS allows defendants and wearers the opportunity to maintain employment while helping to assure public safety.
CAM LLC works directly with attorneys to provide evidence of sobriety to courts.
CAM LLC is a SCRAM Systems Preferred Partner offering SCRAM CAM® and SCRAM GPS® through SCRAM NET OPTIX®.
SCRAM CAM®, SCRAM GPS®, SCRAM NET OPTIX®, SCRAM HOUSE ARREST®, and SCRAM REMOTE BREATH® are all registered and protected marks of Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.
Cartret began working with criminal defendants in 1994 and has managed or directed several nonprofits since then. He is a former gubernatorial appointee for the State of North Carolina.
Cartret sold his interest in Tarheel Monitoring, LLC, a government services provider Cartret founded in 2004. As founder, he led the company from the zero revenue, startup phase, to a highly profitable, leadership position in the pretrial industry until its eventual sale in 2015.
Well-known industry executives Cartret and Camp entered into a partnership agreement with OEM.
Established principal offices in Charlotte, Raleigh, and Whiteville
Company successfully obtained domain
CAM LLC first in the market to implement Six Sigma DMAIC methodology
Enters into partnership with AMS as an all-in distributer for SCRAM Systems comprehensive line of offender monitoring equipment
Cited with Recognition for Services to Courts and Treatment Centers, Cartret and Camp receive the 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Continuous Alcohol Monitoring LLC was cited as offering products that revolutionized the way courts, agencies, and treatment providers monitor alcohol-involved offenders.
This option not only reduces daily inmate fees but helps the inmate maintain gainful employment, retain the ability to pay child support, and be a productive member of society. All executives and senior pretrial program coordinators became Level l and ll OEM certified.
Received more five-star ratings than any other OEM US partner
Became one of AMS’ largest providers deploying more SCRAM Systems devices in North Carolina
Awarded Preferred Partner status
Third in the United States market for offender monitoring programs
2019 Corporate Partner - N.C. Sheriffs’ Association
Business Member - N.C. Sheriffs’ Association
Business Member - S.C. Sheriffs’ Association
American Probation and Parole Association
Company adds ignition interlock as an additional line of service to courts and communities, by entering into a partnership agreement to provide LifeSafer equipment. The LifeSafer device is the smallest and lightest of its kind in the ignition interlock field. It is the easiest and most user-friendly ignition interlock device on the market.
To get started call or text “DWI” to (919) 614-6689.
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